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Using Bramble for your home tutoring lessons

Are you currently doing a combination of home and online tuition? Learn how to effectively use Bramble for both.

An Expert Guide to Academic Coaching

How to become an elite-level tutor and skyrocket your students’ performance through academic coaching.

Announcing Smart Resource Library

Find, save, organise, and import your best tutoring resources at the click of a button.

Students begin to embrace AI for learning

Over half of students are already using AI tools for personal interest, revision and homework.

Online tutoring continues to grow

Over 2,200 surveyed teachers, tutors and students want to keep the vast majority of tuition online.

How to revise from your tutoring

A modern way to revise for your exams. How to use your online tutoring lessons for high-quality effective revision.

The Smart Search Revision Raffle returns!

The more you use Smart Search over the coming months, the better your chance of winning an iPad.

Using deliberate practice to become a better tutor

The secret ingredient you need to keep improving and increase your value as a tutor.

Lessons from 1,000 hours of online tutoring

Tips and examples from a 1,000-hour tutor on how to use technology to enhance your tutoring lessons.

33 top tips for online tutors

We've collected the very best tips from experienced online tutors and whittled them down to these top 33.

How to teach maths online

Tips from top tutors on how you can make your online maths tutoring even more effective.

Online tutoring for science tutors

Learn how to deliver fantastic science lessons online, including examples from experienced tutors.

How to deliver effective English lessons online

Tips on delivering great English lessons, covering everything from preparation to post-session analysis.

15 online tutoring tips for Students

We’ve asked some experienced students to share their advice on having effective and enjoyable online tutoring sessions.

In person only tutoring now least favourite

Having now experienced the benefits, three quarters of tutors and students want to continue online tutoring.

Introducing next generation Smart Search

The next generation of Smart Search helps students learn from their learning long after their tutoring happened.

Bramble supporting Tutor The Nation

Bramble is set to play a key role in tuition charity Tutor The Nation’s next stage of development.

Millions Hours, Birds Eye View & Smart Subtopics

As we pass a million hours on Bramble, we're excited to unveil Birds Eye View and Smart Subtopic functionality.

CUE Ratings to help measure impact

CUE Ratings capture a detailed picture of a student’s confidence, understanding and engagement over time.

Pearson Partners with Bramble for UK NTP

Pearson is partnering with Bramble’s live online tutoring platform as part of its National Tutoring Programme work.

Getting the most out of live online tutoring

Read our comprehensive report delivering insights from half a million hours and thousands of users.

Reintroducing Paid Subscriptions

After 6 months of free access, learn more about our paid subscriptions packed with features and functionality.

Announcing Smart Subject Detection

The first of many AI powered tools designed to help take tutoring to the next level.

Online tutoring more effective than in person

A preliminary analysis of our comprehensive survey shows students find online tutoring more effective.

Maths tops Bramble lockdown learning league table

Maths teaching has taken up more than a third of the hours on Bramble in May.

Bramble to help socially distanced schools teach entire classes

Broadcast meets a growing demand to teach larger groups on Bramble.

Why we built Bramble Broadcast

8 millions students in the UK are not receiving any live lessons, we hope Broadcast can help.

Tutoring younger students online

We spoke to some experienced home tutors about making the transition to teaching younger students online.

Revision Raffle

Win a Surface Go by making the most of Smart Search to enhance your revision over the next three months.

Best drawing tablets for online tutoring in 2021

We've updated our reviews of the best drawing tablets for online tutoring.

Coronavirus and tutoring

We are making Bramble freely available to tutors and agencies to help them respond to the Coronavirus outbreak.

Search Based Learning

A new paradigm in tutoring which puts students at the centre by helping them learn from their learning.

6 benefits of online tutoring for students

Discover the 6 reasons why every student should be taking advantage of online tutoring.

5 reasons for tutors to move online

Teach more, travel less. Unlock the world and deliver a better, safer service to students.

The best equipment for online tutoring – gold

Deliver the very best online tutoring experience with the gold standard of equipment.

The best equipment for online tutoring – silver

Got a touchscreen device or tablet already? Connect it to Bramble to enhance your experience.

The best equipment for online tutoring – bronze

Adding a drawing tablet can make a big difference to your online tutoring experience.

The best equipment for online tutoring – audio

Find out what audio equipment you need for your online tutoring – it's pretty straightforward.

The best equipment for online tutoring

Our comprehensive guide to all the equipment you need to deliver a great online tutoring experience.

Back to school updates: text, PDFs and iPads

We've added multi-line text support, made sharing PDFs even faster and fixed some iPad problems.

Bramble goes universal with full iOS support

We're excited to annouce full lesson and recording support on iOS devices.

Using Tutors' Guild resources

Some tips on how you can get the most out of Tutors' Guild resources on Bramble.

AI powered revision with Bramble

AI Synopsis helps students to easily identify which sessions they want to revise.

Bramble is now award-winning!

We're delighted to have won the innovation award with Tutor Doctor at the BFA Awards 2018.

BFA Innovation Award nomination

Our partnership with Tutor Doctor has been nominated for a BFA Innovation Award.

Summer learning and online tutoring

Online tutoring can help combat summer learning loss without getting in the way of the summer festivities.

Resource sharing transformed

Not only can you now share resources from any device, you can also instantly access all of your previous resources.

Why is online tutoring great for tutors?

Online tutoring is creating great opportunities for tutors to teach more, teach better and teach globally.

Why is online tutoring great for students?

Technology transforms industries when it goes from making something more convenient to making it more convenient AND better.

A flying start with online tutoring

Use our new Are You Ready tool to help that vital first session get off to a flying start.

Bramble voice infrastructure goes global

You can now be confident that wherever in the world you are, your voice will always be routed via the lowest latency route.

Introducing Smart Playback

One giant leap for online tutoring, harnessing the latest technology to offer something that's simply impossible offline.

Sharpening up — increased resolution

We've just released an update to Bramble which doubles the resolution, meaning there's now four times as many pixels on every page.

Playback update — remember everything

With our latest release, students can review any session at anytime, giving them a powerful revision tool.

When to choose online tutoring

When is online tutoring a good option? Depends how you want to use it.

Do you need a touchscreen for online tutoring?

Taking a look at our usage data to see if a touchscreen is needed for a rich online tutoring experience.

Is 93% of communication non-verbal?

To put it simply, no. We’ve heard this myth so often that it seems to have lodged itself in the collective psyche. Turns out it’s nonsense.

PDF Import V2 — now supercharged

Earlier this week we released an update to PDF import. It's now faster, smoother and (almost) unlimited.

Do you need an online whiteboard for online tutoring?

Online tutoring without an online whiteboard is like going to the cinema and sitting with your back to the screen: you're missing out on all the action.